Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Hope that's correct above but what I'm saying is welcome everyone. May 10, 2019 is the first day of this blog and many may know me from 'Nao Kanzaki and Friends'... aitoda.com. There I have such a mix of things and finally decided to branch out with just a blog devoted to Japanese and Korean dramas. Will also be having some film reviews but one thing you won't see are any J-Pop idols or gravure models except for their dramas, this blog is dedicated 100% to dramas and films.

Also actresses as will be having many, many posts for them. Such as them appearing at events, mag spreads, interview pics and whatever else. So you should be seeing a lot of my bigger long time faves such as Erika Toda, Park Min-Young, Lee Yeon-Hee, Tsubasa Honda and too many others to count.

News and upcoming projects

News and upcoming projects

Should have done this on my Aitoda blog which is to let viewers know what's going on. Seems like a good way to let everyone know if I'll be taking a break, what to look forward to and any other tidbits.

Updating update, May 19th:

Whew, have finally finished transferring over enough posts from the Aitoda blog. May be a few here and there in the future for some new that's being introduced but there shouldn't be too many. Have also included announcers for women that I'll be posting about as my top two current faves just happen to be in that profession.

The first five episodes of '3-Nen A Gumi' have now been posted. For series over five shows will be doing two batches of them as I figure ten posts are way too many to read through during one sitting so will have the second half of the drama coming up in 2-3 weeks, highly recommend the show.

June 4th.... Have written up the recaps for episodes 7 and 8 of the '3-Nen A Gumi' show and will have those long with episode eight by June 6th. Up next for Korean dramas is up in the air but leaning towards a pair of shorter series which will be either "Splish Splash Love" or "The Universe's Star".

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

"While You Were Sleeping" drama: episode 25 recap

 Air Dates: September 27th to November 16th on SBS, airs Wednesday and Thursday nights at 10:00 pm, two episodes per night
 Rating(Nielsen) for the this episode- 6.8%

Main Cast:

Bae Suzy as Nam Hong-Joo
Lee Jong-Suk as Jung Jae-Chan
Lee Sang-Yeob as Lee Yoo-Bum
Ko Sung-Hee as Shin Hee-Min
Jung Hae-In as Han Woo-Tak
Shin Jae-Ha as Jung Seung-Won
Bae Hye-Sun as Son Woo-Joo
Hwang Young-Hee as Yoon Moon-Sun
Park Jin-Joo as Moon Hyang-Mi
Kim So-Hyun as Park So-Yoon
Lee Yoo-Joon as Oh Kyung-Han

 Know that I wrote that update yesterday about the upcoming posts for this fine drama. But got to thinking that it would be one chore to read through all eight recaps at one sitting, I've been there too and it can get a bit tiring. These recaps are just medium in length but to read eight in a row is asking a lot. 
  So thought I'd post four of them now and do the other four on Monday, still have three episodes to watch. This should work out better for all of us and think the write up four recaps turned out well for a change. It's been a superb series up until now but the action and intensity really picked up for episodes 26-28 and know Yoo-Bum fans will enjoy reading those.

You may have noticed a change in the title, up until now it's always been episodes as I've been able to squeeze two shows into one post. For the last eight will devote one post for an episode, no clue how the series will end and perhaps the final episodes will be so chock full of info and happenings. If that happens smaller posts will be easier then for all of us, plus took more screenshots than usual for this episode so thought it' may have been confusing mixing them in with another show.

 Not sure why I took so many screenshots, this was the shortest show to date at 29 minutes in length. Plus it may have been the slowest episode by far, that opening scene between Hong-Joo and
Jae-Chan lasted for over five minutes but seemed like fifty and have to admit I was about to nod off. All they discussed was the police officer that they had met thirteen years, he's the brother of the man who was the killer of both Hong-Joo's and Jae-Chan's father. They were wondering about the man, actually Hong-Joo was doing more of the wondering such as asking if we was still alive.
 Jae-Chan didn't give her a straight answer but he knows the man, who has remained unnamed until now, is still alive. He felt so guilty for what his brother had done he sends money to Jae-Chan and his brother every month, he's been doing it for almost a decade now. Jae-Chan has never spent any of the money and it must be a hefty amount by now as the envelopes are piling up in a desk. Above are young two men, one that you've seen plenty of is Seung-Won who is Jae-Chan's brother.
 The other man, both are eighteen year old high school students, is Myung Dae-Gu. He's holding the ashes of this father who had just been cremated, the father's name was Myung Yi-Suk. A few years before he had been arrested for being a serial killer though he maintained his innocence. That did no good in court as he was found guilty but Dae-Gu believed in his father. It was supposed to be a seven year sentence but his father couldn't make it that long in prison and killed himself. You can see in the bottom screenshot who who the prosecutor was, was there any doubt about that????

 This still ended up being the slowest of all 25 episodes but the pace did pick up a bit after the halfway point. What would have really helped the show out is if we saw more of Yoo-Bum, his screen time consisted of about a minute and five lines or so. He is the most hated character but he's also the one who has carried the series more than anyone, when he's on the screen you know things will be intense and know we'll be seeing a lot of him after this episode.
 Bit of a unique outfit for Hong-Joo, don't think she wears that down to her local pub on the weekends. Then again she could as the good news about Suzy is that she's back to being sans a boyfriend, do think the media made their relationship bigger than it was. The SBC station where she works has a special feature called 'Three Day Experiment', her suggestion was to have someone pretend to be pregnant for three days to see how much a woman suffers.
 Her producer agrees but that's not the assignment Hong-Joo will be doing, instead she's getting one that she really wanted which is to follow around the best prosecutor for three days. Naturally everyone at the station thought she'd be assigned to Jae-Chan as those two have become a hot item at the station and also at the prosecutor's office. But to her disappointment she was to follow Hee-Min who most feel is the best in the office. It was her only big scene but Hee-Min's performance was the best by far of anyone in this episode, what a vampy prosecutor she can be. 😍

 Hong-Joo was definitely impressed with Hee-Min who can also speak perfect English, some criminal claimed he couldn't speak Korean and she quickly put him in his place. Sung-Hee who plays her can speak perfect English as she was born in America and lived there for a while. A big development for future episodes and what should be the next story is about the elder Myujng's imprisonment and death. His son Dae-Gu has his final will and also some letters of appeal that he had written. He passed them on to his friend Seung-Won who then asked his brother Jae-Chan to read them.
 Jae-Chan had refused at first, he said all criminals claim they're innocent. But when he heard that Yoo-Bum was the prosecutor he quickly changed his mind and started to read every word that Myung had written about the case. We don't know the full details yet but the killings were done by an intravenous drip, perhaps there was a poison in it? Jae-Chan hasn't told anyone yet but it looks like he may start digging into the old case, actually I'm certain he will and can't wait for that to happen.

 Don't always go 100% in order of the events, close to it but sometimes it's easier to understand by combining two scenes together. That way you don't have to scroll back looking for what had been previously written. For such a short episode thought the recap would be done by now but there were a few other happenings. One is a new thought from our dreaming trio and it may become a big part of the story soon.
 Woo-Tak thinks their dreams have been connected because they have saved another person's life. Jae-Chan had saved Woo-Tak's live, now Woo-Tak's dreams are about Jae-Chan. Meanwhile
Jae-Chan dreams about Hong-Joo because she saved his life thirteen years before. It doesn't matter for Hong-Joo as she's had the ability to dream about future events since she was a child and dreams about any person, the other two didn't start dreaming until their lives were saved.
 As you can see that bottom screenshot above was from a dream about Hong-Joo dying. The person who had the dream was the police officer from thirteen years ago, we still haven't learned his name but he can dream about Hong-Joo as she had saved his life. The trio have become very curious about the man and think they'll start searching for him soon.

 Sure we'll eventually learn the name of the man who is dreaming about Hong-Joo, at the top above is the dream he had of her dying which is in a fire. So far no one has had a dream of Jae-Chan at that incident but still seven shows to go. On to the final bit from this episode and it ends on a mysterious note, like many events it'll just be a mystery until the next episode. That man above, another person who is unnamed for now, is a cellphone thief.
 We witnessed him stealing four of them from a cafe, after his thefts he usually meets a dealer to sell them. The police are on his tail and have trailed him to his house where has a huge stash of phones. No arrest was done as his dealer wasn't present and almost forgot to add this detail in. That night the thief had received a message on one of the stolen phones. The message said they would pay $10,000 to get the phone back, the offer was too good to refuse to the thief so the exchange will take place the following morning.
 Detective Ko was head of the case and the following day trailed the thief to the meeting. The pair had realized they were being watched and split up with the thief not getting his money but the other man had the phone.  Woo-Tak and his partner happened to be in the vicinity when that man with the phone was being chased by Ko and they saw he needed help. Woo-Tak had an eerie experience, least it was for us, as he couldn't quite focus his eyes. Seemed as though he was color blind for a few seconds but that ability helped him locate the suspect who was running through a huge crowd.
  Detective Ko was bushed so Woo-Tak and his partner continued the pursuit and eventually were able to corner him. Woo-Tak impressed me with his fighting skills as he did a drop kick that would make any WWE wrestler proud and the suspect was then placed under arrest. But before he was arrested the man, another unnamed one, tossed the phone into a river where it'll never be recovered. That was the final event of this show, still surprised how much happened after the first five minutes.

Haven't viewed the next episode yet and that's the way it'll continue on to the end. Going to view a show, then post about it and think it works out better this way. Though there are a lot of times I have to say unnamed man or mystery because of not knowing what took place in the following show but like that not knowing as it keeps the curiosity level high.

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