Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Hope that's correct above but what I'm saying is welcome everyone. May 10, 2019 is the first day of this blog and many may know me from 'Nao Kanzaki and Friends'... aitoda.com. There I have such a mix of things and finally decided to branch out with just a blog devoted to Japanese and Korean dramas. Will also be having some film reviews but one thing you won't see are any J-Pop idols or gravure models except for their dramas, this blog is dedicated 100% to dramas and films.

Also actresses as will be having many, many posts for them. Such as them appearing at events, mag spreads, interview pics and whatever else. So you should be seeing a lot of my bigger long time faves such as Erika Toda, Park Min-Young, Lee Yeon-Hee, Tsubasa Honda and too many others to count.

News and upcoming projects

News and upcoming projects

Should have done this on my Aitoda blog which is to let viewers know what's going on. Seems like a good way to let everyone know if I'll be taking a break, what to look forward to and any other tidbits.

Updating update, May 19th:

Whew, have finally finished transferring over enough posts from the Aitoda blog. May be a few here and there in the future for some new that's being introduced but there shouldn't be too many. Have also included announcers for women that I'll be posting about as my top two current faves just happen to be in that profession.

The first five episodes of '3-Nen A Gumi' have now been posted. For series over five shows will be doing two batches of them as I figure ten posts are way too many to read through during one sitting so will have the second half of the drama coming up in 2-3 weeks, highly recommend the show.

June 4th.... Have written up the recaps for episodes 7 and 8 of the '3-Nen A Gumi' show and will have those long with episode eight by June 6th. Up next for Korean dramas is up in the air but leaning towards a pair of shorter series which will be either "Splish Splash Love" or "The Universe's Star".

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

"While You Were Sleeping" drama: episode 26 recap

 Air Dates: September 27th to November 16th on SBS, airs Wednesday and Thursday nights at 10:00 pm, two episodes per night
 Rating(Nielsen) for the this episode- 8.6%

Main Cast:

Bae Suzy as Nam Hong-Joo
Lee Jong-Suk as Jung Jae-Chan
Lee Sang-Yeob as Lee Yoo-Bum
Ko Sung-Hee as Shin Hee-Min
Jung Hae-In as Han Woo-Tak
Shin Jae-Ha as Jung Seung-Won
Bae Hye-Sun as Son Woo-Joo
Hwang Young-Hee as Yoon Moon-Sun
Park Jin-Joo as Moon Hyang-Mi
Kim So-Hyun as Park So-Yoon
Lee Yoo-Joon as Oh Kyung-Han

 Was hoping this would be a shorter recap than the above one, that may not be possible(actually was) as more may have happened in this episode than any other one. Plus we learned one incredible detail in the final few minutes of the show which I'm sure many of us never would have imagined. Previous recap ended off with two men being arrested, one for stealing cellphones and the other for fleeing the scene of a possible crime. Last show we never did learn the man who stole phones for a living but we learned in this show his name is Park and he plays a key role in the story.

 The past few episodes the screen time for Woo-Tak has gone way down, same thing has happened to Yoo-Bum but both play important roles so we should see more of them soon. That man above had offered Park $10,000 for the stolen phone, even though he was willing to pay that much he still ended up tossing it into a river rather than let the police see what was on it. That man never committed an actual crime so was eventually released and we'll see him once more near the show's conclusion.
 The thief who is Park will be arrested as he's a habitual criminal, he gives a sob story to Jae-Chan about his unfortunate life which almost worked. But Jae-Chan's supervisor Park overheard everything and demanded he be charged and arrested, the boss shares the exact same name as the criminal. Ten years prior the man had been arrested for the same crime, at the time he had given the same story to the prosecutor about how his wife left him, he had lost his job and his daughter was ill.
 But for that incident ten years ago the prosecutor in charge didn't do his job, what Park had said back then was true and because his story wasn't believed his nine year old daughter died. Think that
Jae-Chan's boss was the prosecutor at the time, Jae-Chan eventually told him what Park had said was true and someone screwed up badly which resulted in a nine year old girl dying. The boss wasn't too happy with what he heard, he doesn't like it when Jae-Chan goes that extra mile but at least Jae-Chan will keep his mouth shut with what he's discovered.

 Jae-Chan had done a lot digging about Park's past, it can't change his current situation but Park was impressed that Jae-Chan had believed him. Much of his story had been true, his daughter did die, he was a civil servant who worked as a mailman plus his wife had left him. Park felt that Jae-Chan deserved a favor so he passed him the USB chip from the phone that was worth $10,000 to that other man. He had taken it out prior to the deal, the other man didn't know that had happened. Park correctly thought there must be some important info on the phone which is why he passed it on to Jae-Chan, may even help his upcoming trial sentence by doing that.
 The chip was loaded with pictures, Jae-Chan was scrolling through them but getting nowhere as they were all pics of animals and other useless things. Hong-Joo is still hanging around as she's doing a report for her station's 'Three Day Experiment' show. She's supposed to be filming Hee-Min  but can't as she's in a trial where no cameras are allowed so for the day she's in Jae-Chan's office The one huge bummer for this episode was not seeing Hee-Min in it, least we still have our memories....
 Jae-Chan had leapt out of his chair to stop Hong-Joo from filming the pics on the chip, all have been meaningless but there's still procedure to follow. Meanwhile his assistant Choi slid into Jae-Chan's chair and began looking at the remaining pics. He had more success as he's discovered some pictures of people, no one else knew who they were. Choi did though and revealed they were the victims of the serial killer from three years ago, he had killed them intravenously. The pictures were all taken of them at a hospital, possibly just before they were killed.

 But what of the other eight people who were at a hospital, are they also dead and did the original investigation miss those deaths? Needed a break from writing so viewed the following show, will just give one spoiler and that's that the eight weren't missed. They are also dead but how that happened won't be explained until the next recap. Choi's role has been getting bigger as the show goes on, there's no way Jae-Chan could do as good if a job of he wasn't around and to think that one time Choi worked for Yoo-Bum.
 We never did see Yoo-Bum in this episode but he's been trying to get Choi to work at his legal firm, Choi knows about many of his dark secrets and it'd be easier for Yoo-Bum to keep tabs on him at his own office. Back to the happenings and though this was the best episode there weren't as many new developments. The key to everything is finding the man Yoon-Pyo, he's the one that offered the $10,000 reward for the stolen cellphone. We see him briefly towards the end of the show, we're not too far away from the end. He's walking in a desolate area near a river, he arrives at a small building which could be where he lives.

 That's Yoon-Pyo talking to the owner of the cellphone which Park had stolen, Yoon-Pyo was the middle man to get it back. He did but had to throw it in a river before the police could confiscate it, unknown to him Park had taken the USB drive out which Jae-Chan now has and now he's on the hunt for Yoon-Pyo. Upon arriving at his so called residence he finds a hooded man waiting for him, very few words were spoken as quickly Yoon-Pyo's life was snuffed out.
 But the authorities know the address and are on their way to arrest him again, they realize Yoon-Pyo didn't commit the other eight murders but he's their only link to the actual killer. Hong-Joo has found out the address too, she sneaks to the river front building during the night and why would you go then? No answer for that as there usually isn't in a drama, no suspense yet at the building as the door was unlocked and she waltzed right in discovering a familiar face was already there.

 As you can see Jae-Chan was at the house, not sure who he was waiting for as Yoon-Pyo had been lying on his bed dead. Sure Jae-Chan knew the killer was long gone, wonder why he didn't call up for an ambulance or more police? Not many words were spoken between the pair but they soon heard a clicking at the door. Outside that same hooded man had clamped a padlock over the door trapping the two. Shortly after is when the terror starts as the man begins to pump a liquid into the house.
 Not just any liquid as it was gas, of course the unknown figure needed it for a fire which he started and is quickly was blazing out of control. Jae-Chan attempted to break the windows and had no success with that, the flames are increasing rapidly and looks like there's no chance of escape. There has to be as there's six episodes left, outside we see a figure running as fast as possible to the house. To the rescue once again is Choi but can he get there in time?
 He does but is having no success in trying to break the lock, like all dramas he eventually does by smashing a rock on it which never happens in real life. But the main point is our two stars, Jae-Chan and Hong-Joo, are now safe thanks to the heroic efforts of Choi. Not much was said between the three outside the house during this episode but the conversation does begin anew in the next show. One more item to tell you about which may be the biggest one to date.

 The man on the right in the above pic is Choi from thirteen years ago, he's the officer whose brother had killed the father of both Jae-Chan and Hong-Joo. After his brother's actions Choi had attempted to drown himself but was saved by the pair, more so by Hong-Joo and he's been seeing her in his dreams since then and this fire was one he knew was going to happen which is how he came to be there. There will be more details about this discovery coming out but as strange as it seems only us viewers know about it.
 For some reason Jae-Chan and Hong-Joo haven't put all of the facts together which should have been easy for them to realize, one other spoiler is that they still don't know who Choi is or about his past throughout the next show.
 Not as long of a recap as I expected but too long to fit a second episode in. To date it's been the best show of all 26 but wouldn't doubt of one of the remaining episodes will top it. Next post is for the 27th episode, not as much action in it but the intensity level is getting much higher. If that post doesn't show up when you go to the next page,didn't for me, you have to click on the title for it which is on the right, way too often posts disappear when you do many in a row.

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