May have to change that thought of what Yui's all time best pics are as the ones in the PB are even more more shocking and steamy than that 2012 book. Overall "Origine" may be the better book but some of these pics here are close to being unpublishable for this kind of blog, these ones definitely leave almost zero to the imagination.
Then again Yui did bare almost all in the "Umi we Kanjiru Toki" film from 2014. She looked quite good in the movie but not as superb as she usually does, thought she lost some weight for the movie but don't know why as she's always been somewhat thin. Well, enough of this babbling as I'm sure you want to move on to the pics and believe me you will be shocked about some of them, looks like Yui has shed that 'innocent' tag she once had as a teen. There's a hundred pics in all so check out the next post for the remainder of this jaw-dropping set of pics.
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