Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Hope that's correct above but what I'm saying is welcome everyone. May 10, 2019 is the first day of this blog and many may know me from 'Nao Kanzaki and Friends'... aitoda.com. There I have such a mix of things and finally decided to branch out with just a blog devoted to Japanese and Korean dramas. Will also be having some film reviews but one thing you won't see are any J-Pop idols or gravure models except for their dramas, this blog is dedicated 100% to dramas and films.

Also actresses as will be having many, many posts for them. Such as them appearing at events, mag spreads, interview pics and whatever else. So you should be seeing a lot of my bigger long time faves such as Erika Toda, Park Min-Young, Lee Yeon-Hee, Tsubasa Honda and too many others to count.

News and upcoming projects

News and upcoming projects

Should have done this on my Aitoda blog which is to let viewers know what's going on. Seems like a good way to let everyone know if I'll be taking a break, what to look forward to and any other tidbits.

Updating update, May 19th:

Whew, have finally finished transferring over enough posts from the Aitoda blog. May be a few here and there in the future for some new that's being introduced but there shouldn't be too many. Have also included announcers for women that I'll be posting about as my top two current faves just happen to be in that profession.

The first five episodes of '3-Nen A Gumi' have now been posted. For series over five shows will be doing two batches of them as I figure ten posts are way too many to read through during one sitting so will have the second half of the drama coming up in 2-3 weeks, highly recommend the show.

June 4th.... Have written up the recaps for episodes 7 and 8 of the '3-Nen A Gumi' show and will have those long with episode eight by June 6th. Up next for Korean dramas is up in the air but leaning towards a pair of shorter series which will be either "Splish Splash Love" or "The Universe's Star".

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Korean Drama "The Ghost Detective": Episode's seventeen and eighteen recap

 Air Dates: September 4th to October 31, 2018.... Back to back episodes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm on KBS 2  Director: Lee Jae-Hoon    Two episode ratings:2.3 and 2.2%

 Main Cast:

 Choi Daniel as Lee Dai-Ii.... Detective at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, also an ex-army sergeant who left due to a scandal
Park Eun-Bin as Jung Yeo-Wool.... new assistant at the 'A Few Good Men' agency who works about five part time jobs and also had her sister die mysteriously
Kim Won-Hae as Han Sang-Sub.... owner of the 'A Few Good Men Agency' that's going bankrupt and a huge Sherlock Holmes fan
Lee Ji-Ah as Sun Woo-Hye.... mysterious woman always dressed in red
Lee Jae-Kyoon as Park Jung-Dae.... young, gung-ho police detective
Park Joo-Hee as Baek Da-Hye.... lawyer who once represented Da-Ii
Lee Joo-Young as Gil Chae-Won.... coroner who can talk with ghosts
Hyun Bong Sik as Sa-Soo.... Jung-Dae's older partner and superior
Shin Jae-Ha as Gyeol.... friend of Yeo-Wool and her dead sister

 For now that's the main recurring cast but will add to the list once new ones are introduced.

 Mentioned the ratings drop a few recaps back and even though this drama aired on KBS2 would have thought the numbers would be at least 4% or higher. That hasn't been the case at all as after episode 12 this series never hit the 3% mark, it's a shame as many missed such a superb drama. The action slowed down a bit in these two shows but when a drama has 32 episodes it's bound to happen. However it seemed to get a bit more interesting as there's so many different twists that were thrown in and very few lingering questions were answered in this pair of shows.
 As usual there was an intense cliffhanger to end off the previous week's episode, actually there two of them at once. Da-Ii and Yeo-Wool had managed to thwart a terrorist attack at a travel fair, at the event lemonade had been spiked with poison. The person that did the evil act was Gyeol who had known Yeo-Wool for many years but was closer to her deceased sister Yi-Rang. Gyeol had been under the 'spell' of Woo-Hye at the time, her threat to him was if you don't poison the fair visitors then she would kill Yeo-Wool.
 Luckily everyone was saved, Gyeol was caught on camera at the event which sent Da-Ii and
Yeo-Wool rushing to his apartment to confront him. As they were there Gyeol's laptop came alive as there was a video message for him, who should be there but Woo-Hye! She had been in a coma for 25 years so I had been wondering how she knew how to use phones and computers. Once again the evil Woo-Hye had a threat for Gyeol and once again it was to kill his friend Yeo-Wool. Behind Woo-Hye was a young man strangling his girlfriend, she'll stop the action if Yeo-Wool is killed.
 Gyeol did pick up a knife, his eyes were flaming red which happens when you're under her control. He was no match for Da-Ii who quickly grabbed the knife out of his hand but that was the last action he did. That's because a few seconds later Da-Ii mysteriously vanished without a trace as Gyeol and Yeo-Wool stood there gaping, where did he go? That question was also on Woo-Hye's mind, she had no clue why Da-Ii would disappear like that except for the fact it was 1:00 am. On that note she left where she was but not before killing the young couple.

 Before Woo-Hye got a human body she lived only as a spirit so only those that were ghosts or spirits could see her. At 1:00 am for some reason a ghost has to return to their living body so at that time Woo-Hye would return to her body lying in a coma. Now that she had been occupying an alive human body there was no need for it anymore but could that be why Da-Ii vanished so quickly?
 It's helpful to read some of the past recaps as these are long enough without rehashing prior events. Above are a couple of screenshots with Jeon, he had been the man who had been taking care of
Woo-Hye while she lay in her coma for 25 years. He had been captured by the detective Jung-Dae in the last recap and was currently sitting in a jail cell waiting to be charged. Who should once again arrive on the scene but Woo-Hye, she had put the officer in charge under her control.
 The officer acted like a zombie and opened the door to Jeon's cell so Woo-Hye could speak with him. She was not pleased with the actions of Jeon who has made major, major mistakes. This scene did clear up a few of the questions we knew about Da-Ii's death which took place at the end of episode two. Jeon had dragged Da-Ii's dead body to a remote location though the body wasn't really a dead one. Jeon had buried it alive but didn't finish the burying as Da-Ii's hand was able to penetrate through the wet soil.
 Jeon didn't stick around to finish the job nor did he make sure that Da-Ii was truly dead. Back in about the eighth episode Da-Ii had brought his partners Yeo-Wool and Sang-Sub to the location where his body was buried but it was no longer there. We didn't think about it much at the time but now that we know Da-Ii's human body is still alive it brings up another poser which is why did Da-Ii become a spirit if his body is still alive? Needless to say Woo-Hye was furious with Jeon's failure to properly kill and bury Da-Ii, now Jeon's life is history.

 So what's going on now is that Da-Ii's teammates have realized what's happened with Da-Ii and are now about to begin the hunt for his human body. When he disappears at 1:00 am each night he has no clue when he will return, it's only happened twice so far. But things in Da-Ii's life are about to become a bit creepier as he's still on the hunt for the mysterious Woo-Hye, he's doing some investigating on his own and so aren't the trio of Yeo-Wool, Sang-Sub and Chae-Won.
 Above you can see that Da-Ii was successful in his search but he wished he wasn't. He had some clues about her and went searching at an apartment where a person she once controlled lived. Unknown to him Woo-Hye had been there, he didn't notice her when he entered but quickly she had surprised Da-Ii and subdued him for the moment. More questions were answered in this scene and they regarded how Woo-Hye's father died. Da-Ii had said to stop blaming herself for his death as she was just 12 when it happened and she had no part in his death.
 Woo-Hye just laughed at Da-Ii's comments as she revealed what really happened 25 years ago. Her father had been planning on killing Woo-Hye and her brother so the father could just slip away as he was tired of raising them, supposedly Woo-Hye's mother died when she was seven. The father had spiked her soda with poison, unknown to him Woo-Hye switched the bottles and it was the father who ended up dying, her brother had already been killed.
 Woo-Hye seems to have no nice bones in her body as she's been truly evil since she was twelve years old. Da-Ii managed to gain enough strength to battle Woo-Hye in the apartment and he was able to pin her against a wall. Da-Ii had Woo-Hye in a position where he could have easily have strangled her but he didn't, her death would still leave so many unanswered questions such as why did she have Da-Ii's mother kill herself?

 You see only the finished project but this is taking so long to write. Wrote the first segment two days ago, the next two yesterday and here I am on my third day writing this, should have skipped doing any other posts and just finished these two recaps. In that bottom screenshot is the return of Da-Ii or at least to Yeo-Wool it was as we already saw him in the struggle with Woo-Hye. Along with her team Yeo-Wool had no idea where to search for Da-Ii's human body and she had returned home, she did remember his advice which was not to open the door for anyone but him.
 Yeo-Wool had wisely remembered that bit of advice as shortly after her return home there were repeated knocks at her door. There was no response at first when she asked who was there but after a few minutes she heard a familiar voice and it was Da-Ii's. Yeo-Wool didn't know it but Da-Ii had clobbered the man pounding on her door, before his entrance though she had called Jung-Dae to come and save her. Jung-Dae did arrive but had the the voices of Yeo-Wool and Da-Ii talking, he didn't enter the apartment but instead just arrested the man who was knocked out cold by Da-Ii.
 It was a short reunion for the pair, so far there hasn't been any inklings of a romance but wouldn't doubt if it's in the cards as it seems Yeo-Wool has begun falling for him. A short reunion because the hunt for Woo-Hye is ongoing and with a human body she's more dangerous than ever. But to his team finding Da-Ii's human body is the most important matter, even Woo-Hye is on the hunt for it. When Da-Ii returns to his body at 1:00 am he'll try to find some clues about his location but as of now he can't understand why he can't recall one thing about his living body.

 That's coroner Chae-Won above with the young detective Jung-Dae. She's doing the autopsy on Jeon who had hung himself in his jail cell, no doubt he was under the influence of Woo-Hye's powers. But there's some oddities about his death, it didn't appear as though it was a one person job and perhaps she helped Jeon out in killing himself. Another oddity is that the security cameras went out at the time of Woo-Hye's appearance at the jail, don't know how yet but she has the ability to make all cameras stop working when she's in the area.
 In his cell while he was hanging waiting to die Jeon had scribbled a few letters on the cell wall. In Korean they spelled out 'mom', what that meant is unknown for now but it's another clue for Da-Ii, Yeo-Wool and Sang-Sub to work on, sooner or later these clues need to be successful for them. As it turned out the word 'mom' may be the biggest clue to date and it's one the team is still working on at the end of the 20th episode. Not just a clue for the team either as Woo-Hye had learned of what Jeon wrote on his cell wall, now she's also on the hunt for what the word could mean.
 Yeo-Wool has been doing much investigating about Jeon on the internet, supposedly his mother is dead so why would be write that word in his dying moments? But from Yeo-Wool could deduce he wasn't talking about his own mother but instead of someone else's. Jeon grew up in an orphanage so her first stop is to check out that place and whether anyone remembers Jeon from about three decades ago as he's in his forties.
 The trio arrive at the orphanage but of course no one could see Da-Ii as he's still a ghost. What the team was looking for was anything about Jeon's past and his possible connection to Woo-Hye. They may have discovered something as an older woman used to come visit him often and as mentioned his mother had passed away. However the nun in charge didn't know the woman's name who these days would be in her sixties. The nun did have a list of the visitors names, it's a long shot but the trio will be going from house to house in a neighborhood until they can find the older woman. Even if they find her though it's hard to think of how she could help them after so many years of not seeing Jeon but as we'll soon see she's going to become a very important character.

 This will be the final segment, sorry for making these recaps so long but as mentioned many times before just so much happens in this drama. Yeo-Wool's internet search of Woo-Hye had begun to pay off in spades as she was able to deduce some unbelievable fact before their orphanage visit.
Woo-Hye's mother had died when she was seven but there was no record of her death with any agency. Putting two and two together Yeo-Wool had surmised that the woman they're looking for is actually the mother of Woo-Hye who was still alive and faked her own death.
 We know she's still alive as the mother, who has remained nameless, makes an appearance towards the end of the 18th episode. No one, and that includes us viewers, knew where Da-Ii's alive body has been kept since his 'death'.  We come to learn that the body has been watched over by.... the mother of Woo-Hye. What a turn of events this was and these minor storylines that keep getting added in never stop. He's being held hostage in the basement of a dilapidated house and is under the influence of some drug which has kept him asleep.
 That's why Da-Ii had no recollection of where he's being held hostage, also being under sedation prevents him from returning as a ghost. Seems Woo-Hye's mother was a bit deranged as she had no idea who Da-Ii was but seems Woo-Hye has implanted the notion that Da-Ii is actually her long, lost dead son. We only met the woman for a few moments and we were left wondering if the trio of
Sang-Sub, Chae-Won and Yeo-Wool are about to meet her too as they're in the area looking for the address. They've been doing a lot of sleuth work and had narrowed down where Da-Ii was being held captive to the right house. Before they actually found the house this episode came to an end with the cliffhanger being will they be able to arrive in time to save Da-Ii as it appears the older woman has plans on moving him very soon.

 This actually took four mini writing sessions to finish. Seemed as though other posts were always more pressing and they do garner many more views so tend to do those first. But do enjoy writing these recaps up as I prefer Korean dramas over Idols and this to date has been one solid series. Nine of these recaps are in the book now with seven more to go. Hopefully will be able to finish the recap for the next pair of shows quicker and that's the post right below this one.

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