Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Hope that's correct above but what I'm saying is welcome everyone. May 10, 2019 is the first day of this blog and many may know me from 'Nao Kanzaki and Friends'... aitoda.com. There I have such a mix of things and finally decided to branch out with just a blog devoted to Japanese and Korean dramas. Will also be having some film reviews but one thing you won't see are any J-Pop idols or gravure models except for their dramas, this blog is dedicated 100% to dramas and films.

Also actresses as will be having many, many posts for them. Such as them appearing at events, mag spreads, interview pics and whatever else. So you should be seeing a lot of my bigger long time faves such as Erika Toda, Park Min-Young, Lee Yeon-Hee, Tsubasa Honda and too many others to count.

News and upcoming projects

News and upcoming projects

Should have done this on my Aitoda blog which is to let viewers know what's going on. Seems like a good way to let everyone know if I'll be taking a break, what to look forward to and any other tidbits.

Updating update, May 19th:

Whew, have finally finished transferring over enough posts from the Aitoda blog. May be a few here and there in the future for some new that's being introduced but there shouldn't be too many. Have also included announcers for women that I'll be posting about as my top two current faves just happen to be in that profession.

The first five episodes of '3-Nen A Gumi' have now been posted. For series over five shows will be doing two batches of them as I figure ten posts are way too many to read through during one sitting so will have the second half of the drama coming up in 2-3 weeks, highly recommend the show.

June 4th.... Have written up the recaps for episodes 7 and 8 of the '3-Nen A Gumi' show and will have those long with episode eight by June 6th. Up next for Korean dramas is up in the air but leaning towards a pair of shorter series which will be either "Splish Splash Love" or "The Universe's Star".

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Korean Drama "The Ghost Detective": Episode's nineteen and twenty recap

 Air Dates: September 4th to October 31, 2018.... Back to back episodes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm on KBS 2  Director: Lee Jae-Hoon    Two episode ratings:2.3 and 2.2%

 Main Cast:

 Choi Daniel as Lee Dai-Ii.... Detective at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, also an ex-army sergeant who left due to a scandal
Park Eun-Bin as Jung Yeo-Wool.... new assistant at the 'A Few Good Men' agency who works about five part time jobs and also had her sister die mysteriously
Kim Won-Hae as Han Sang-Sub.... owner of the 'A Few Good Men Agency' that's going bankrupt and a huge Sherlock Holmes fan
Lee Ji-Ah as Sun Woo-Hye.... mysterious woman always dressed in red
Lee Jae-Kyoon as Park Jung-Dae.... young, gung-ho police detective
Park Joo-Hee as Baek Da-Hye.... lawyer who once represented Da-Ii
Lee Joo-Young as Gil Chae-Won.... coroner who can talk with ghosts
Hyun Bong Sik as Sa-Soo.... Jung-Dae's older partner and superior
Shin Jae-Ha as Gyeol.... friend of Yeo-Wool and her dead sister
Yoo Soo-Bin as Kang.... fake reporter working under Baek

 For now that's the main recurring cast but will add to the list once new ones are introduced.

 Exciting start to this pair of episodes but most do begin that way. After much investigating on the internet, visiting an orphanage and other sleuthing the trio of Yeo-Wool, Sang-Sub and Chae-Won have finally located the house where the live body of Da-Ii is being held. However they're just a few moments too late as Woo-Hye's mother, who remained nameless throughout both episodes, had whisked Da-Ii away from the dilapidated house in a wheelchair.
 Tracks were left in the grime so Chae-Won and Sang-Sub began scouring the neighborhood for an older woman pushing a wheelchair. Sang-Sub did see such a woman and as you can see above pulled out his pistol on the woman. It was a false alarm though as the woman wasn't old nor was it Da-Ii in the wheelchair.
 Yeo-Wool had stuck behind in case the older woman should return or against all odds the evilest of evil people Woo-Hye herself should show up. The odds may have been high but in the bottom screenshot Woo-Hye did arrive at the basement of the house. She too had been looking for the body of Da-Ii, she got the info from her new henchman. These days that person was Yeo-Wool's old friend Gyeol who was under Woo-Hye's 'spell'. It's the first time Yeo-Wool has seen Woo-Hye as a live person, up until now it was only when she was a ghost.
 Quite an odd scene with the pair, before they confronted each other Yeo-Wool had put her cellphone on so Sang-Sub and Chae-Won could hear what was going on, the pair immediately began rushing to the basement. Woo-Hye had a knife with her, how easy it would be to finally kill her hunter
Yeo-Wool and was threatening her with the knife. But in a strange sequence Woo-Hye handed her the knife and told Yeo-Wool to kill her which was an action she really wanted to do.

 However Yeo-Wool just couldn't use the knife against Woo-Hye. If she was still a ghost it would have been no problem as we saw a few episodes ago but there was no way Yeo-Wool could stab a live human being. Also don't think Yeo-Wool wanted Woo-Hye dead so quickly, she needed to find out why the woman had been doing these evil acts and how she's been doing them as she's been in a coma for 25 years. One other reason is that Yeo-Wool isn't totally convinced Woo-Hye doesn't know where Da-Ii's body is.
 Bursting upon the scene before she could really make up her mind on whether to stab her or not were Sang-Sub and Chae-Won, she had also called Jung-Dae to let him know the situation. Sang-Sub may have more hate towards Woo-Hye than Yeo-Wool, what's she done to his partner Da-Ii's life is unforgivable so he once again takes out his pistol and points it at Woo-Hye. However he's another person who she can control, all you need to do is touch Woo-Hye and then she can put you under her 'spell' whenever she wishes.
 Under her control is what became of Sang-Sub who dropped his gun and picked up the knife. He started inching towards Yeo-Wool with all intentions of killing her. Before Sang-Sub could complete the evil deed he stopped as he noticed a figure behind Yeo-Wool. Before Woo-Hye had entered the basement Yeo-Wool had put her dead sister's hearing aid in, for some reason it gave Yeo-Wool the ability to see what happened in the past but only at the location she was at.
 Chae-Won and Woo-Hye couldn't see the figure that Sang-Sub was seeing though Yeo-Wool could because of the hearing aid. It was an older woman about the age of Sang-Sub, upon seeing the figure he dropped the knife as Woo-Hye's spell was broken. But rushing in and not knowing what was going on was Jung-Dae, he saw Sang-Sub drop the knife and he immediately jumped on him but by that time the danger had passed. When everyone was a bit more calm they looked around the room, really to nobody's surprise Woo-Hye had made her exit during the commotion.

 Though no one was badly hurt the team looking for Da-Ii were once again at a loss on where his live body could be. Obviously Da-Ii must still be heavily sedated or else his spirit would have returned by now. But the quartet of Yeo-Wool, Sang-Sub, Jung-Dae and Chae-Won had another clue to go on. Chae-Won brought back the IV that had remnants of the drug that was being fed into Da-Ii, first they have to figure out what kind of drug it is and then somehow find out who could have purchased it.
  An hour or so later Yeo-Wool was sitting so sadly in Da-Ii's private study, no romance has begun yet but there's little doubt she cares for him so much. But then out of the blue as it usually is the case with his reappearances in front of her stood Da-Ii! Apparently the sedative had worn off enough so his spirit could leave his human body, needless to say Yeo-Wool was so overcome seeing Da-Ii again. Da-Ii though isn't much help in the investigation for his body, he'll continue looking for clues but the sedative leaves him in a state where he's always too groggy to notice anything.
 Joined now by Sang-Sub the trio were about to map out what action should be taken next in the never ending hunt for Da-Ii's body. They were rudely interrupted by a man we've met several times before who was Kang. He had been hired many episodes ago by the attorney Baek to be a fake reporter for a newspaper to get info on where Woo-Hye's body was located. That plan helped the team find her and Kang was also on the scene for the terrorist attack at the travel fair. It was his picture of Gyeol that revealed who the culprit was though luckily no person was poisoned at the fair.
 Kang is another person who doesn't know Da-Ii was dead, well of course he isn't officially dead now but Kang doesn't know anything of what he's gone through. Da-Ii and Kang had a bit of history as five years ago both were in the same Army troop. At that time both knew the true reasons for a soldier's death, when they were discussing the death Kang had told him about a mysterious woman in red who was there at the incident. We all know who he's referring to and how long have the killings planned by Woo-Hye been going on?

 Kang has been tracking some mysterious deaths over the past 3-4 years and a few of them involve the team, namely the deaths of Da-Ii's mother along with Yeo-Wool's sister. There's also been a few others we've been aware of and one thing in common is that the deaths have all been ruled as suicides. To Kang those explanations have been an easy cop out but he's 100% sure the woman in red he saw once is behind the deaths.
 That's why he dropped in to see his old mate Da-Ii who is there but naturally being a ghost Kang can't see him . Kang knows about the cases his old mate, Sang-Sub and Yeo-Wool are working on, he was there to offer his services. The trio was a bit leery of Kang, he could understand their doubts about him so he left all of his evidence and said he would return later to perhaps join their small team.
 After that visit Kang had a meeting with the person who first employed him to work on the cases who was the attorney Baek. We haven't seen enough of her the past three shows but she could be one of the most attractive actresses I've seen in a drama this year. Though Baek was working with Da-Ii she still hasn't been told of his 'death' nor that so many people are on the hunt for him. Baek is a cool operator but at this mini meeting Kang had a few surprises for her and of course one of them was something unbelievable.

 The unbelievable part was when Kang told her that Da-Ii was only semi-alive, these days he's actually a ghost though Kang has never seen him nor did he ask Da-Ii's team about his whereabouts. Of course Baek sat there in puzzlement, being a lawyer the supernatural is something she couldn't believe in a million years. Kang also had a bit more dirt on Baek which I won't get into now but will wait until he brings them up again in future episodes. We only saw Kang here and there for a few minutes in the last ten shows but looks like he could be an important character from now on.
 The sedative that's been given to Da-Ii to keep him under control hasn't been found out yet but the pharmacy it was sold at has been. Da-Ii and Yeo-Wool rush to the pharmacy, the team has been working much faster because who knows how many times Da-Ii will be able to visit them as a ghost. Wasn't easy getting info at the pharmacy, what the pair were looking for was the address of the person who has been getting the sedatives. A huge advantage of Da-Ii being a ghost is that he can go anywhere without being seen, while Yeo-Wool had distracted the pharmacist Da-Ii was able to get an address, the hunt for his body now moves to another location.
 Gyeol is under Woo-Hye's control more than ever, at first it was just now and again but it seems to be 100% of the time now. At the pharmacy Yeo-Wool had learned that somehow else had been there looking for the same address, it was Gyeol who was getting that info for Woo-Hye. Now she's one step in front of everyone in the hunt for Da-Ii's body. What I've really been wondering the past few episodes is why is Woo-Hye so hell bent on finding Da-Ii's alive body? Seems as though he's been on her hit list for a very long time and there are so many questions about that which haven't been answered, Da-Ii and his team are also curious about Woo-Hye's motives.

 Last recap took days to write up which has never happened before, this one here will be completed in less than an hour which for me is a bit impressive. The final scene(s) take place at the now found location of Da-Ii's real body which is a church named Jaeil. Gyeol did make one major mistake that infuriated Woo-Hye as he didn't kill the pharmacist which allowed Yeo-Wool to get some info. He's been under orders to kill anyone he gets info from so the trail for Woo-Hye will grow cold, as you can see in the above screenshot Gyeol is now a killing machine.
 It was a priest that Gyeol killed and someone he knew too though in his condition he doesn't know anyone. Shortly after Da-Ii and Yeo-Wool arrive at the church, the priest naturally wasn't there as he was lying dead outside the church, But one of the workers there recognized a picture of Gyeol, the person told Yeo-Wool he had been there already and had gone outside with the priest. During that time Da-Ii was going through one of his 'periods' where his eyes would turn red as if he was under the 'spell' of Woo-Hye.
 He wasn't and never quite has been but he had touched her twice before but not long enough to give her full control powers over Da-Ii. He just couldn't take the feeling any more and ran outside the church with Yeo-Wool in pursuit. Da-Ii confessed to Yeo-Wool about these mini periods and he's quite frightened of what's going to become of him. Yeo-Wool is also petrified as though she hasn't admitted it yet we viewers know what kind of crush she now has on Da-Ii.
 Down to the final minute or so and we see Da-Ii's body lying on a bed in the church basement. He's still conked out due to the sedatives and is also still being watched over by Woo-Hye's mother who is definitely a bit deranged. Da-Ii seems to have recovered enough from his small bout, he's about to hunt around the church for his body along with Yeo-Wool. That's when they run into Gyeol who is also looking for Da-Ii's body, he threatens Yeo-Wool ruthlessly until Da-Ii is so fed up with the punk.   Now and again Da-Ii can summon up powers to touch things but it severely weakens him. He used that power upon Gyeol for the second time and had him pinned against a wall, it appeared Gyeol may not have many more breaths to take. He will though as out of nowhere Woo-Hye appeared, she quickly put Da-Ii under her control. Instead of having Gyeol pinned against the wall now it's
Yeo-Wool and would be surprised if Da-Ii hurts her badly. On that panting note this episode came to it's conclusion and it seems in the next show everyone may actually find Da-Ii's living body.

 Previous recap set a record for being the longest ever to write up time wise while this may have been the quickest, can't figure myself out sometimes. Thanks if you been one of the few who have been reading all of these posts and to me this has been one of the best if not best dramas of the year. Don't think many gave this series a long enough chance but I highly recommend this show. Had wanted to finish these recaps by the end of the year but that's looking doubtful, may finish watching it but the recaps will definitely not be done. Hope to have the next pair by this Thursday and as usual here's plenty of screenshots to help you follow the story better.

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