Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Hope that's correct above but what I'm saying is welcome everyone. May 10, 2019 is the first day of this blog and many may know me from 'Nao Kanzaki and Friends'... aitoda.com. There I have such a mix of things and finally decided to branch out with just a blog devoted to Japanese and Korean dramas. Will also be having some film reviews but one thing you won't see are any J-Pop idols or gravure models except for their dramas, this blog is dedicated 100% to dramas and films.

Also actresses as will be having many, many posts for them. Such as them appearing at events, mag spreads, interview pics and whatever else. So you should be seeing a lot of my bigger long time faves such as Erika Toda, Park Min-Young, Lee Yeon-Hee, Tsubasa Honda and too many others to count.

News and upcoming projects

News and upcoming projects

Should have done this on my Aitoda blog which is to let viewers know what's going on. Seems like a good way to let everyone know if I'll be taking a break, what to look forward to and any other tidbits.

Updating update, May 19th:

Whew, have finally finished transferring over enough posts from the Aitoda blog. May be a few here and there in the future for some new that's being introduced but there shouldn't be too many. Have also included announcers for women that I'll be posting about as my top two current faves just happen to be in that profession.

The first five episodes of '3-Nen A Gumi' have now been posted. For series over five shows will be doing two batches of them as I figure ten posts are way too many to read through during one sitting so will have the second half of the drama coming up in 2-3 weeks, highly recommend the show.

June 4th.... Have written up the recaps for episodes 7 and 8 of the '3-Nen A Gumi' show and will have those long with episode eight by June 6th. Up next for Korean dramas is up in the air but leaning towards a pair of shorter series which will be either "Splish Splash Love" or "The Universe's Star".

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

"While You Were Sleeping" drama: episode 29 recap

 Air Dates: September 27th to November 16th on SBS, airs Wednesday and Thursday nights at 10:00 pm, two episodes per night
 Rating(Nielsen) for the this episode- 8.1%

Main Cast:

Bae Suzy as Nam Hong-Joo
Lee Jong-Suk as Jung Jae-Chan
Lee Sang-Yeob as Lee Yoo-Bum
Ko Sung-Hee as Shin Hee-Min
Jung Hae-In as Han Woo-Tak
Shin Jae-Ha as Jung Seung-Won
Bae Hye-Sun as Son Woo-Joo
Hwang Young-Hee as Yoon Moon-Sun
Park Jin-Joo as Moon Hyang-Mi
Kim So-Hyun as Park So-Yoon
Lee Yoo-Joon as Oh Kyung-Han

 Once again changed my mind about how these final recaps for this drama will be done. Yesterday said the final four would be done on Monday but instead of that will do two today and the final two episodes will be recapped on Tuesday. Didn't want to go too long between regular posts and need to start doing more of them for my top twenty list. So tomorrow will be back with my usual routine but did enjoy doing a marathon like this, may have another one coming up for "The Package" drama. 

Hard to top the way episode 28 ended, the final scene was rather intense though wish it turned out a bit crueler and you'll soon read about how it ended. Seeing as how we're near the end of the drama having a major character die wouldn't be a tragic loss. On the roof of the Hae Kwang Law Firm are Ju-Won who has admitted she's killed nineteen people to date though someone else was wrongly convicted of her crimes thanks unknowingly to Yoo-Bum. He's with her on the roof and is carrying an unconscious Hong-Joo, she's about to become victim number twenty.

 That was an evil conversation that's was hard to top. Ju-Won has killed her victims by injecting them with a drug that paralyzes their bodies, that stops them from breathing and within five minutes death usually happens. Hong-Joo has been injected but still has a glimmer of hope as Woo-Tak and
Jae-Chan are rushing to the scene as they've seen this incident happen in their dreams. This was also the only dream that Hong-Joo has seen that featured her, while she thought it was of her on a mountain top it was actually on the roof of a building which had the scenery of a mountain.
 There's no topping Yoo-Bum when it comes to wickedness, he had this whole crime planned out to a T. He wanted Ju-Won to take care of Hong-Joo for him which she's done or at least death is imminent. He's planned for himself to be the hero in all of this, he's going to claim that there had been a drug in his coffee. While he was battling it's side effects Ju-Won had carried Hong-Joo to the roof. There she had injected Hong-Joo with the drug she's used on all of her other victims.
 Yoo-Bum was going to claim that he staggered to the roof to save Hong-Joo but was just a tad too late. Then his testimony would be that Ju-Won was now planning on injecting with the drug. But though he was still suffering from the effects of the other drug that she used to stun him Yoo-Bum was able to defend himself, their struggle would end with Ju-Won falling from the rooftop.

 Most of Yoo-Bum's monstrous plan did work out but as we'll soon see not the most important part. Yoo-Bum has managed to shove Ju-Won off the roof, after that action he's given himself a small dose of the same drug that he used on Hong-Joo to make her unconscious. That gave him the appearance of being in an incoherent state when the police arrived, the sirens were blaring from the street and in just a few minutes the police arrived on the roof.
 But Yoo-Bum had planned this for when the power in the building would be out, it gave him a little extra time to commit his acts as it took so much longer for the police to make it to the roof. First on the scene was Woo-Tak and his partner who made it to the building's roof to find Yoo-Bum carrying an unconscious Hong-Joo. Woo-Tak grabbed her and was carrying her through the main lobby where he ran into Jae-Chan who had just arrived.
 Though ambulances were on the way it'd be too late for the to save Hong-Joo. Jae-Chan quickly performed CPR on her which he had been wanting to do for a long time and it was able to keep her breathing long enough for proper medical procedures to be done. The next we see of anyone is the next day at the hospital, Hong-Joo is laying unresponsive in a bed but she's miraculously survived.

 Yoo-Bum was also at the same hospital, he's given many award winning performances before this but his act this time topped them all. Yoo-Bum has told the detectives all of what happened on the rooftop or at least his version of what took place. He claimed Ju-Won had also drugged his coffee but he didn't completely pass out. Yoo-Bum stated he watched Ju-Won carry Hong-Joo out of his office but the side effects of the drug made it impossible for him to follow and stop Ju-Won.
 Eventually though Yoo-Bum was able to stagger to the roof where he witnessed Ju-Won giving an injection to Hong-Joo, one which should leave her dead within five minutes. Ju-Won then turned on Yoo-Bum who would be her next victim, though drugged he testified to the police that they started grappling and because of the slippery conditions Ju-Won somehow fell from the roof.
 Sounds like a hard story to believe but the detectives did and as planned Yoo-Bum may come out of this as a hero! Not everyone thought his story was true as Woo-Tak had been listening to the lies that were spewing from Yoo-Bum's mouth. Granted it's all a farce but as far as I know Woo-Tak doesn't have a personal grudge with Yoo-Bum. Yoo-Bum had defended his friend in a murder trial many episodes ago and the two didn't see eye to eye on many things but is there something else that happened between the two we don't know about?

 The pace slowed way down in the second half of this episode, the scenes were kind of dragged out and with only three more shows to go there shouldn't be any need for filler. Suzy is very popular but have noticed she has many detractors, most think her acting is the pits. I think she's done a solid job in this show and it's been good enough where I'd like to see more of her. Above she's lying in an unconscious state, many of her non-fans would say that's been her best acting performance ever.
 Hong-Joo will live but due to having no oxygen for a few minutes it may affect her brain, the doctors can do nothing until she wakes up. Woo-Tak has told Jae-Chan about the pack of lies that was told to the police by Yoo-Bum. Jae-Chan is furious but there's no solid evidence against Yoo-Bum for any crime and what Jae-Chan wants to do more than anything else is to punch out his long time rival.
 He was about to rush to Yoo-Bum's hospital room when he was stopped by his assistant Choi, it was the first time Jae-Chan had seen him since he turned his resignation in. That action will stand as Choi has told Jae-Chan he's accepted an offer to work at Yoo-Bum's law firm but don't think Choi is turning into a bad guy. To me he may be taking that position to spy on Yoo-Bum and to possibly correct or prevent any wrongs that are going on at the firm. But before his departure Choi has given Jae-Chan some sound advice as he says don't confront Yoo-Bum at the hospital. Things could get out of hand and if that happens Jae-Chan won't be able to prosecute him.

 That scene was also when Choi had revealed the secrets about his brother, the one who had first killed Jae-Chan's father and later on the father of Hong-Joo. The two knew each other so many years ago but didn't talk too much about the past, Choi did reveal a few things he did wrong with his brother who had been AWOL from the Army when he committed the two murders. But the pair never did discuss when Jae-Chan, along with Hong-Joo, had saved Choi's life when he tried to drown himself nor have we heard anything more about Choi's dreams as he can also see the future in them.
 Yoo-Bum made a visit to the convenience store where Dae-Gu works, he's the son of Myung who had been wrongly convicted by Yoo-Bum of being a serial killer. Yoo-Bum knows no limits, he's even brought the press along to see him apologize to the son. Yoo-Bum admits he made a mistake but at the time there was no other suspects and he's truly sorry that things turned out this way, Yoo-Bum even got on his knees to apologize. Dae-Gu knew his story was a load of garbage, he jumped over the counter to pounce on Yoo-Bum.
 He was able to get a nice shot or two in before being restrained but that action was filmed by the media, what took place is something that will garner more sympathy for Yoo-Bum. Back to the hospital, have to admit the recovery was done so badly and it left such a yucky feeling in my mouth. Hong-Joo has survived from the injection, she's up and about with no ill effects in her brain despite having it been deprived of oxygen for so long. The recovery just happened too quickly and there's no reason they couldn't have made the event remotely interesting or suspenseful.

 The events happened rapidly in the second half of this episode so we're almost to it's conclusion.
Ju-Won is now dead but a trial still needs to be done for the killings she's committed, one reason for that is because it'll exonerate Myung who had been wrongly convicted of being the serial killer. But there's also a few other crimes or events that need to brought to trial and they have to do with
Yoo-Bum. As of now we don't know if Jae-Chan is going to level any charges against Yoo-Bum but there is no crime that he can be charged with.... yet.
 Us viewers know he can be charged with too many crimes to count from over the years and plenty from this latest incident that involved Ju-Won. Yoo-Bum can't defend himself in court so the head of the Hae Kwang Legal Firm will represent Yoo-Bum in a trial but as mentioned there's still no crimes Yoo-Bum has been charged with. Also at the end of the show an event happened which really startled Yoo-Bum, Choi on his first day at the office has informed him that Hong-Joo has woke up fully recovered. That's the only part of his plan that didn't work out, will there be a Plan B to eliminate her?
 Yoo-Bum has written out a long narrative of what took place that night when Ju-Won was killed and Hong-Joo almost was. But Yoo-Bum tells his boss there's some things he couldn't include in his narration but his boss was ready for something like that as he knows him too well. The boss is certainly aware that Yoo-Bum is a corrupt lawyer but it doesn't matter to the boss as Yoo-Bum brings in large sums to the firm. His boss informs Yoo-Bum he'll be behind him 100% even if everything said in court is a lie.

 There was one piece of evidence in the rooftop crime that hasn't been revealed yet and perhaps not until a trial starts. Noticed that Yoo-Bum had brought his green umbrella to the roof, as far as we know it could still be on the roof. But he had claimed he staggered to the roof to save Hong-Joo, why would he be carrying an umbrella and also why did Ju-Won who was the serial killer have an umbrella? That wouldn't be possible if she was carryied a body, The green umbrella is such a key piece of evidence as Hong-Joo has seen it in her dreams, bet that could be the downfall of Yoo-Bum at a trial. Up next is the recap for the following episode and many of the questions I brought up will be answered.

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