Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Hope that's correct above but what I'm saying is welcome everyone. May 10, 2019 is the first day of this blog and many may know me from 'Nao Kanzaki and Friends'... aitoda.com. There I have such a mix of things and finally decided to branch out with just a blog devoted to Japanese and Korean dramas. Will also be having some film reviews but one thing you won't see are any J-Pop idols or gravure models except for their dramas, this blog is dedicated 100% to dramas and films.

Also actresses as will be having many, many posts for them. Such as them appearing at events, mag spreads, interview pics and whatever else. So you should be seeing a lot of my bigger long time faves such as Erika Toda, Park Min-Young, Lee Yeon-Hee, Tsubasa Honda and too many others to count.

News and upcoming projects

News and upcoming projects

Should have done this on my Aitoda blog which is to let viewers know what's going on. Seems like a good way to let everyone know if I'll be taking a break, what to look forward to and any other tidbits.

Updating update, May 19th:

Whew, have finally finished transferring over enough posts from the Aitoda blog. May be a few here and there in the future for some new that's being introduced but there shouldn't be too many. Have also included announcers for women that I'll be posting about as my top two current faves just happen to be in that profession.

The first five episodes of '3-Nen A Gumi' have now been posted. For series over five shows will be doing two batches of them as I figure ten posts are way too many to read through during one sitting so will have the second half of the drama coming up in 2-3 weeks, highly recommend the show.

June 4th.... Have written up the recaps for episodes 7 and 8 of the '3-Nen A Gumi' show and will have those long with episode eight by June 6th. Up next for Korean dramas is up in the air but leaning towards a pair of shorter series which will be either "Splish Splash Love" or "The Universe's Star".

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Keyakizaka46: "Tokuyama Daigoro wo Dare ga Koroshita ka?" drama episode one recap

 Air Dates: July 16 to October 1, 2016 on TV Tokyo, Saturdays at 12:20 am
 Theme song: "Sekai ni wa Ai Shika Nai" by Keyakizaka46


 The whole group is in the show and go by their first names, here's some of the members who have had or think will have the most important roles.

Yurina Hirate
Rika Watanabe
Yuuka Sugai
Nanako Nagasawa
Shiori Sato
Rika Ozeki
Yui Imaizumi
Neru Nagahamam


Kyusaku Shimada as Tokuyama, their dead homeroom teacher
Noriko Eguchi as Kanzaki, asst. homeroom teacher
Ryo Iwamatsu as the Principal
Hiroki Konno as the janitor Hashibe
Kazuyuki Aijima as teacher Takemura

 Kind of a spur of the moment decision to start on this drama and for one of the few times think I made a wise choice. So far through two episodes it's been an excellent watch and what's going to make it good as I have no clue what's supposed to happen or how it'll end which keeps the interest level high. The group also did a promo event for it back in July of 2016 and will be doing a post for that soon with hopefully some promo videos for the show.

 Let's get right to the action, at 25 minutes an episode the recaps shouldn't be too long though the first two usually are as there's so many characters to introduce along with the main storyline. All of the Keya members attend the fictional Keyaki Academy which is a private school, the entire group is in year 3, class 3-C. One day all 21 students arrive about the same time to class only to discover their homeroom teacher sitting in one of their chairs, is he sleeping or has he been....

.... killed???? Well, as you can see by the bottom screenshot he's been murdered, to be precise he's been stabbed to death. The students are in different states of shock, at first some believed he was just sleeping but upon the discovery of the knife there's no doubt what their teacher Tokuyama's condition was. To their credit the gals didn't run around in hysterics but were all cool and thought what was the next step they should take.
 They made a makeshift table to put Tokuyama on and sounded like a group of veteran homicide detectives. They deduced because he was stabbed more towards his back there's no way it could be suicide. Another deduction the made was that there was no blood in the classroom, does this mean Tokuyama was killed elsewhere and then transported to the classroom?

 Yurina seems to be the head of the team and also may get the most respect of her classmates. Like any class there's different groups such as athletes, brains, etc. but they all band together to solve the murder. Some students felt the obvious thing to do was to notify the police, that's what most normal people would do in that situation.
 That idea was nixed by a few students, they had touched the knife which would make them suspects plus a few felt that even though they were innocent the publicity would ruin their image at school. Unsure of what they should do for the time being the gals hid the body in a little nook in the classroom. Shortly after they did that the asst. homeroom teacher Kanzaki came to the room. The nook was partially visible so the students had to keep standing in front of the body so Kanzaki wouldn't see it. She thought they acted strangely but she never discovered the body.

 So far like Risa's character(above) the most, she's classified as one of the 'apathetic students' and she constantly makes remarks which makes all of the other gals suspicious of one another. Knowing they couldn't leave Tokuyama's body out for too long the gals had very few options of where to put him so they decided on a locker. The locker belonged to Neru who had been truant for some time, though we only see her briefly in the second episode think her character will be an important one.
 For the most part it's a very serious drama but does have it's lighthearted moments. Such as when the substitute teacher Takemura comes in to teach their first class, during it the locker holding Tokuyama's body sprang open. For some reason Takemura didn't notice the body, part of that was due to Ozeki crawling on the floor and closing the door. Wasn't the last time the door popped open so that's not going to be a safe place for too long.

 That brings us close to the episode's end, have to remember these shows are only 25 minutes long with credits. But during the ending credits the action continues which surprised me as I almost turned the show off then. After the credits end the show goes on for another minute or two which at least has happened during the first two episodes.
 A very strange happening took place right at the end which is a nice lead in for the next show. All of the girls in class have just received a test message from the dead Tokuyama! The message from him said 'Did I die?' and the girls definitely became quite freaked out. And with that we finally came to the show's conclusion.

 Have noticed most Idol dramas and films tend to be very serious and eerie, this show follows that vein except for a few lighthearted moments which may be needed. Through two shows it kind of reminds me of the "Piece" and "SHE" dramas, the difference being in those shows a fellow classmate was killed or missing while in this series it's the teacher.
 Though it wasn't a long show as usual took a huge amount of screenshots, think most details were covered but these may fill in some of the gaps and to make the story easier to follow. Next post has the recap for the second episode.

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