Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Konnichiwa and Annyeong Haseyo minna-san

Hope that's correct above but what I'm saying is welcome everyone. May 10, 2019 is the first day of this blog and many may know me from 'Nao Kanzaki and Friends'... aitoda.com. There I have such a mix of things and finally decided to branch out with just a blog devoted to Japanese and Korean dramas. Will also be having some film reviews but one thing you won't see are any J-Pop idols or gravure models except for their dramas, this blog is dedicated 100% to dramas and films.

Also actresses as will be having many, many posts for them. Such as them appearing at events, mag spreads, interview pics and whatever else. So you should be seeing a lot of my bigger long time faves such as Erika Toda, Park Min-Young, Lee Yeon-Hee, Tsubasa Honda and too many others to count.

News and upcoming projects

News and upcoming projects

Should have done this on my Aitoda blog which is to let viewers know what's going on. Seems like a good way to let everyone know if I'll be taking a break, what to look forward to and any other tidbits.

Updating update, May 19th:

Whew, have finally finished transferring over enough posts from the Aitoda blog. May be a few here and there in the future for some new that's being introduced but there shouldn't be too many. Have also included announcers for women that I'll be posting about as my top two current faves just happen to be in that profession.

The first five episodes of '3-Nen A Gumi' have now been posted. For series over five shows will be doing two batches of them as I figure ten posts are way too many to read through during one sitting so will have the second half of the drama coming up in 2-3 weeks, highly recommend the show.

June 4th.... Have written up the recaps for episodes 7 and 8 of the '3-Nen A Gumi' show and will have those long with episode eight by June 6th. Up next for Korean dramas is up in the air but leaning towards a pair of shorter series which will be either "Splish Splash Love" or "The Universe's Star".

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Jin Ki-Joo: "Wednesday 3:30 PM" drama recap.... episode's one and two

Air Dates: June 7th to June 21, 2017 on SBS for ten episodes,
 shows were 18-23 minutes in length

Main Cast:

Jin Ki-Joo as Sun Eun-Woo
Lee Hong-Bin as Yoon Jae-Won
Ahn Bo-Hyun as Baek Seung-Kyu
Cha Jung-Won as Gang Na-Yeon
Kim Hye-Ji as Kim Hye-Won

Wouldn't say the universe but Ki-Joo is certainly one adorable gal. First Korean drama I've started on in over two months, needed a bit of a break from them but then again the Winter season didn't seem too strong to me. Thought I'd ease back into the K-dramas with a short one, this show is ten episodes which isn't too short but the episodes themselves average just a little over twenty minutes. Let's get on with the recap and the first two episodes will be reviewed today. At the top of every post will have a different video, today's is an interview with the drama's two main leads.

 Don't know if it's a myth made up for this show but it seems so. Supposedly every Wednesday at 3:30 pm is when a woman looks her worst and it's usually when they suffer heartbreaking events. That was the case with Eun-Woo(Ki-Joo) as within the first minute of the opening show her boyfriend says he wants to break up with her. He didn't tell her why or give any excuses for his decision, the man is Seung-Kyu who we'll be seeing more of later.
 Seung-Kyu just told Eun-Woo those words, handed back the ring he was wearing and disappeared from the small coffee shop. Of course Eun-Woo sat there heartbroken with tears flowing but we didn't see her again for a few minutes but the action still took place at the coffee shop. The owner Na-Yeon is preparing to go on a business trip, if things go well she may never return.
 That's not what her boyfriend Jae-Won wanted to hear, in her absence he'll be handling the running of the shop. If Na-Yeon doesn't return the shop will become his as she left Jae-Won the ownership papers, they're engaged so you know he wants her back. It's the end of his first day at the coffee shop, Jae-Won begins to head home but runs into someone he thinks he knows on a very steep stairwell.

 Before he could say her name it was Eun-Woo who recognized him. They're long time friends from childhood though she's four years older. Those steep stairs were the main reason they met again as Eun-Woo had started to fall but was held back by Jae-Won, in turn he fell down the stairs. He wasn't badly hurt and ended up at Eun-Woo's apartment where the two began to reminisce about the past. Eun-Woo though was still so down in the dumps about her breakup, Jae-Won attempted to cheer her up which had no affect on her mood.
 Jae-Won had then received a phone call and one that was with some tragic news. The coffee shop which he had been running for all of one day was burning to the ground, that's him above watching the flames. Now we have two extremely depressed people, Eun-Woo because of her breakup and
Jae-Won because of the coffee shop burning down. What better way to mourn than to drown your sorrows in endless bottles of Soju which is what the old friends did.

 With a bit of a hangover the following morning Eun-Woo stumbled out of bed to find.... Jae-Won in her apartment! She was a bit under the influence the previous night and hadn't realized she told him to stay over, for the time being Jae-Won has nowhere to live. But it's time for Eun-Woo to head to the office, they leave together but part at those same steps. Unknown to Eun-Woo Jae-Won had headed back to her place, he somehow had a set of keys and had proceeded to spend the day cleaning up.
 Upon her return that night Eun-Woo was shocked to see her lights on, had that imbecile left them on? No he hadn't and to her surprise Jae-Won was still at her place which was now sparkling clean, he was also preparing dinner. That's was all fine and dandy with Eun-Woo but the question was why was Jae-Won still in her apartment.
 Being a tad intoxicated the previous night had also made Eun-Woo forget something else and it was a bombshell. When Jae-Won told her because the cafe was burned down he had no place to stay, there was a small place there for him to sleep there. Being an old friend Eun-Woo had felt so sorry for him so during her drunken state she told Jae-Won he could move in with her, he didn't need a second invitation and that's what he did.

 Reluctantly Eun-Woo lets her old friend stay, she really couldn't go back on her word. With the insurance money Jae-Won plans on rebuilding the coffee cafe but it will take time. So in the meantime he's had a brainstorm and one that he hopes will get Eun-Woo's boyfriend back. His plan is called the 'Wednesday 3:30 pm Project', even he knows that's the worst time of the week for women.
 Jae-Won figures if that time of the week is when females look their worst why not have it the time when Eun-Woo looks her best? At first Eun-Woo is not enthused about the project, how can she look her best at that time plus would it really help her win back Seung-Kyu? But Jae-Won doesn't plan on just having Eun-Woo look fabulous every Wednesday at that time but at 3:30 pm every day.
 The following day she receives a text from Jae-Won saying 'Wednesday 3:30 pm project is on' and tells her to meet him at a location. The drama is set in Seoul but she meets Jae-Won at some remote field well outside the city, the setting really did Eun-Woo look ultra attractive. Jae-Won had set up an Instagram site for her and they'll be adding in a pic/video every day at 3:30 pm. Somehow others have learned of the new site as Eun-Woo's co-workers keep checking it out along with her

 Seung-Kyu works at the same unnamed office as Eun-Woo, both are managers of small departments. Didn't take long for Seung-Kyu to hook up with another woman from the office, above is Hye-Won who may be Seung-Kyu's new girlfriend. Don't think its official yet but the two do get a tad closer as the second episode goes on. Eun -Woo was a bit startled to see the two together but she did keep her composure, it appears Hye-Won doesn't know of their old relationship.
 The 'Wednesday 3:30 pm project' is in now in full swing, almost every afternoon Jae-Won invites Eun-Woo to a new location and that Instagram site is now attracting many viewers. The goal of the site was to make Seung-Kyu jealous and want Eun-Woo back, so far it's working. Around the office he notices at 3:30 pm all of the women begin to look so bad, they have lines under their eyes, have aged dramatically or just flat out look horrible.
 But not Eun-Woo who at 3:30 pm always looks like 50 million won, Seung-Kyu is certainly noticing that is it enough for him to want his old flame back? Perhaps not as he met up with Eun-Woo on the company's roof and he had some harsh words for her. Eun-Woo is in charge of a project and one that could determine the future of the company. Seung-Kyu is worried she's spending so much of her time with that project and doesn't think she's capable of doing a good job on the company project. That's not what Eun-Woo thinks, she has worked hard on that project and is now relishing the idea of Seung-Kyu eating his words.

 Should be able to wrap things up in this segment, Jae-Won has started on rebuilding the coffee cafe. The whole place burned down but he was able to find a box containing the ownership papers that were perfectly fine, also in that box were the two rings that Eun-Woo had left. Time has been flying as it's been many weeks since Jae-Won moved in, the pair has done at least ten Instagram entries. Wonder if seeing Eun-Woo look so attractive hasn't made Seung-Kyu become a bit bitter but his potential new girlfriend Hye-Won is actually a extremely nice person, least so far she is.
 It's the day for Eun-Woo to give her presentation for the company's new product, so far the company is unnamed plus we don't know what products they produce. Even with the 'Wednesday 3:30 pm Project' in full swing Eun-Woo was able to create a very good presentation, there was just one problem.... she left a key file at home! She called up Jae-Won who was at home, she begged him to bring the file and he would but only if she paid him 50,000 won.... nice friend.
 In the final scene Jae-Won has arrived at the office with the file, Eun-Woo wasn't alone at the time as behind her was Seung-Kyu and Hye-Won. Eun-Woo manged to whisper to Jae-Won to act like her new boyfriend which he did and perhaps too well. As the two were cooing to each other watching on in amazement were Seung-Kyu and Hye-Won, neither knew she had a new boyfriend and that they were spending nights together! Not exactly a cliffhanger but the second episode ended there, next show should begin with Eun-Woo doing her presentation.

 Never have been a fan of these sappy, lighthearted romance dramas. However on occasion they're an okay change of pace and this series has started off well or better than I expected. If this was a usual drama of sixteen one hour shows wouldn't have started viewing it but shorter ones means there's no time for filler, 210+ minutes is enough time for a drama. Just the one pair of shows for today but in the future will have back to back posts so next week or perhaps sooner than that will have a pair of recap posts. One will be for episodes three and four, the other for five and six. Will be doing the same for the final four episodes and plenty more screenshots here to help you follow the story better.

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